Hey👋 I’m Kayla,
a tech ninja 😎

Okay, I made up that title... I am just vicariously living my childhood dream of being a ninja. Yup, as a child, when people would ask me what I was going to be when I was older, I would confidently state that I was going to be a ninja. Spoiler alert: I didn’t become a ninja, but what I do is equally as cool. I specialize in UX and UI design. I create digital experiences that make people’s lives easier by turning complex problems into simple, and intuitive designs. In all honesty, I think the real reason I wanted to be a ninja is because I always admired their persistence to master their craft. My mission is to reach ninja level in the design of digital experiences and to help others reach it too – and that’s where this blog comes in. Starting out on this path, can seem daunting and out of reach. Technology is a rich, varied and fascinating topic, but it can also seem overwhelming. I believe learning about tech should feel awesome, not overwhelming so I break it down into easily digestible bite-sized chunks. If that sounds like your cup of tea, here’s where you can find me: